Privacy Policy


1. Privacy statement:

At Town we collect and handle your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy and are committed to protecting your privacy as a customer. If you provide us with your details, we may contact you about our property listing, promotions, and related products and services. We may use your personal information within Town and disclose it to our authorised representatives and service providers who act on our behalf, to fulfil the purpose for collecting your information.

2. Privacy Policy:

2.1) Introduction


This Privacy Policy describes how Town collects, handles, uses and discloses your personal information. By providing us with your personal information, you consent to us using and disclosing it for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. We will update this Privacy Policy when our information handling practices change, or when required. Any revised Privacy Policy will take effect when it is published on our website.

3. Collection of Personal Information

Whenever you deal with any of our Companies, whether as a current or prospective seller or buyer personal information unless it is reasonably necessary for, or directly related to, one or more of the services we provide or functions we carry out.

The types of personal information we generally collect include but is not limited to:

  • Name
  • Residential address
  • Postal address
  • Email address
  • Home telephone number
  • Work telephone number
  • Mobile telephone number
  • Details of properties owned by you

3.1. How we collect information:

Where we can, we will collect information directly from you. We collect personal information when you:

  •  Request us to provide our products and services or information about our products and services.
  •  Contact us to make an enquiry about our listed properties or our products and services, including online, over the phone or in person;
  •  Subscribe to communications from us such as updates, publications or newsletters;
  •  Interact or engage with us through our websites or social media platforms;
  •  Attend property inspections or visit our offices, including via manual sign-in and security surveillance of our offices;

As well as collecting information directly from you, there may be occasions when we may collect information about you from other people or organisations. We may combine this information with information we already have about you to help us understand trends, attributes, behaviour and preferences. Where we receive information about you indirectly from service providers, we require that the service provider has collected and disclosed that information in accordance with the Privacy Act.

4. Disclosure of personal information:

Town may disclose your personal information and credit-related information within the Town group including to our employees, agents, brokers and contractors.

We may disclose your personal information and credit-related information as part of our functions and activities, including:

  • To the other parties in any real estate transaction including developers, purchasers and their authorised representative;
  • To guarantors, other mortgage intermediaries, lenders, financial institutions, insurers, valuers and credit reporting bodies and providers;
  • To your authorised representatives (lawyers, mortgage brokers, accountants and financial advisors);
  • To regulatory bodies, government agencies and law enforcement bodies in any jurisdiction;
  • To the relevant government agency for verification of attendance at conferences and training sessions for continuing professional development requirements;
  • To debt collectors and utility companies;
  • When we may be required by law from time to time.

5. Other Websites:

This website may contain links to other websites. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy practices of such other websites. We encourage our users to be aware, when they leave our website, to read the privacy statements of each and every website that collects personally identifiable information. This privacy policy applies solely to information collected by this website.

6. Direct Marketing:

From time to time TOWN send direct marketing communications to you about us and our products and services, our property listings and other material. If you do not wish to receive such direct marketing communications, you can always opt out. To stop receiving other communications from us, you can contact us directly.